Friday, October 19, 2018

Immigration at its End?

On October 19th, 2018, National Review posted an article called Embrace E-Verify.

E-Verify is an electronic system that employers will be able to use to determine if their employees are legal residents in the United States. At the moment, this system is not yet mandatory. If it were to ever become mandatory, it is stated that the illegal immigration problem would drastically decrease. Many government officials give their full support to this program. Many candidates have said they support E-Verify but have yet to mention it on any of their websites.

It is said that E-Verify is going to put a stop to the illegal immigration problem that the U.S. currently faces. What is the problem though? All this would do is get rid of people who are simply seeking to support themselves and their families. The real problem is the immigrants who come over and "try" to work and then collect unemployment. What about the people who actually need these jobs? Americans complain that immigrants steal their jobs. Not true! The U.S. was supposed to be a safe haven for all. A place where everyone was welcomed and accepted no matter who you are. Now we use this program to send them all back.

Friday, October 5, 2018

Tax Money Gone Bad

On December 20th, 2013, Free Republic posted an article by user jazusamo called Senate Report: U.S. Blows $30 Bil on Wasteful Projects in 2013.

Throughout the article, user jazusamo gives plenty of examples of how our government wastes OUR tax dollars on pointless projects. Such as a study that costed a whopping $325,525 to see if wives are more satisfied with their marriage after a fight with their husbands. What purpose does this serve? How does that benefit us, the American citizens, who are paying for that? His sources seem to be credible but these are only a few things that the government spends our money on. Sure, they might not always choose the best ways to spend the money, but that doesn't mean they waste all the money on pointless projects. For example, as mentioned in the article, $65 million dollars was spent on television adds asking for aid for the Hurricane Sandy victims. We have to help out our own people! Yes, there might be other ways to ask for help, but TV is a really good and efficient way to ask for help. Who doesn't watch TV?

Not all the examples he provides are great ones, but he does have a point. The American Government can waste money on projects that don't need to be funded.

The Land of the Free

Immigration has been a concern of the United States for decades now. Some people think that we should allow them in. Others prefer that we c...